Ossip K. Flechtheim
Pentti Malaska and Ilkka Virtanen: Theory of Futuribles and Historibles
... The essence of intentionality was well articulated by Ossip. K. Flechtheim in his book: Der Kampf um die Zukunft .
According to him the scientific discipline, that Flechtheim as the first one called futurology in the 1940s, intents to contribute to eliminating war and institutionalizing peace, eradicating hunger and poverty and stabilizing world population, democratization of societies, protecting Nature from over-exploitation, and humans from themselves, and preventing alienation by giving rise to new creative Homo humanus.
www.lipas.uwasa.fi ... .pdf
Flechtheim, Ossip K.1966: History and futorology
Flechtheim, Ossip K. 1970: Der Kampf um die Zukunft. 2. Augabe, 1971.
www.books.google.dk ...
Flechtheim (1909-1998)
1945: Teaching the Future, Journal for Higher Education, 16.
1966: History and Futurology
www.portal.dnb.de/opac ...
Mario Kessler: Between History and Futurology. Ossip K. Flechtheim. In: Axel Fair-Schulz, Mario Kessler (Hrsg.): German Scholars in Exile. New Studies in Intellectual History. Lexington Books, Lanham MD u. a. 2011, ISBN 978-0-7391-5023-8, S. 173–211, hier S. 174.
The Great Future Debate
Fremtidsforskning båret af interessegrupper
Geopolitik, erhvervsliv, demokratibevægelse, fredsbevægelse og miljøbevægelse.
The Great Future Debate and the Struggle for the World
Jenny Andersson 2012: The Great Future Debate and the Struggle for the World. American Historical Review, Oxford University Press (OUP), 2012, 5 (117), pp.1411-1430.
... To Flechtheim, the future was not a science of prediction, but a new and more systematic utopian reflection on the present.
... For Flechtheim, the bipolar world order—foregrounded in the division of Germany—was evidence of the need to wrench the future from the grip of what in his view were two equally totalitarian systems. n9.
n8 Ossip K. Flechtheim, Futurologie: Der Kampf um die Zukunft (Cologne, 1968), 8.
n9 Ibid., 16, 21, 75–105.
While to Flechtheim futurology was a scientific endeavor and part of a new political science that would enable societies to make truly rational, forward-looking decisions, he saw utopia as a fundamental element in such a scientific approach. The future must be composed not only of the necessary or the possible, but also of the desirable and hopeful.
The late 1960s was the timely moment for such critical futurology, Flechtheim argued. Technology had reached a point where it posed both the threat of total annihilation and the possibility of forms of selfrealization that had never been seen before. The future lay between these two poles of catastrophe and exhilaration. n81.
Flechtheim, who saw postwar social science as hopelessly stuck in the legacy of a historic nation-state project. n91.
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