Human Nature and birthright
The future of human nature
Jürgen Habermas 2003. Polity.
Review by: Reviewed by Joel Anderson
Ethics 115(4):816-821. July 2005.
... it contains a genuinely new set of arguments for placing serious restrictions on using prenatal genetic technologies to “enhance” offspring. ... ” Some of the reasons for his concern will be familiar, such as the expansion of inequalities ...
But his central, genuinely original argument is that the decision to shape a future person’s identity through prenatal genetic intervention threatens the freedom and equality to which all persons are entitled as a birthright. ...
Siden er under konstruktion.
John Searle on AI and consciousness
The Chinese room argument holds that a program cannot give a computer a "mind", "understanding" or "consciousness", regardless of how intelligently or human-like the program may make the computer behave. The argument was first presented by philosopher John Searle in his paper, "Minds, Brains, and Programs", published in Behavioral and Brain Sciences in 1980. It has been widely discussed in the years since. The centerpiece of the argument is a thought experiment known as the Chinese room.[2]
The argument is directed against the philosophical positions of functionalism and computationalism, which hold that the mind may be viewed as an information-processing system operating on formal symbols. Specifically, the argument is intended to refute a position Searle calls Strong AI:
Harnad, Stevan (2001), "What's Wrong and Right About Searle's Chinese Room Argument", in M.; Preston, J., Views into the Chinese Room: New Essays on Searle and Artificial Intelligence, Oxford University Press.
Chinese Room Argument
Biology and social science
Biologising the social sciences: Challenging Darwinian and neuroscience explanations
David Canter and David Turner eds. 2015
... Their arguments are firmly based in the empirical, scientific tradition. ... "that human beings can talk and interact with each other, generating cultures and societies that have an existence that cannot be reduced to their mere mechanical parts". ...
Human Nature
Human Nature
... the meaning of the phrase “human nature” ... We will explore, on the one hand, whether the arguments of the transhumanists undermine the evidence about human nature marshaled by evolutionary psychologists (e.g., Steven Pinker, David Buss, and Leda Cosmides), and, on the other hand, whether the claims of evolutionary psychologists hold up against the new findings about the non-linear nature of brain processes as discovered by neuroscientists (e.g., Steven Rose).
Building Better Humans? - Refocusing the Debate on Transhumanism
Editorial Board: H. James Birx, Irina Deretic, James J. Hughes, Andy Miah, Domna Pastourmatzi, Evi Sampanikou.
Vol./Bd. 3. Edited by Hava Tirosh-Samuelson and Kenneth L. Mossman.
Peter Lang GmbH, Frankfurt am Main 2011.
Part I: Transhumanism and Religion
Part II: The Promise and Perils of Human Enhancement
Part III: Transhumanism and the Human Person
Part IV: Transhumanism as a Futuristic Vision ... pdf
The Future of Human Nature by Ben Goertzel
... advanced brain-computer interfacing and mind uploading technology, it seems likely that humans will consciously transcend the limitations of legacy human nature ... ...
The End of the Beginning: Life, Society and Economy on the Brink of the Singularity
Ben Goertzel and Ted Goertzel, Editors ...
Biological explanations of human behavior.
The Boundaries of Consciousness: Neurobiology and Neuropathology
Steven Laureys ed. 2005. Elsevier. ...
Greenfield, S. (2003), Tomorrow's People: How 21st Century Technology is Changing the Way We Think
and Feel, Allen Lane, London.
Ambient Intelligence
Cognitive neuroscience
The metaphor of Ambient Intelligence (AmI) tries to picture a vision of the future where all of us will be surrounded by 'intelligent' electronic environments, and this ambient has claims to being sensitive and responsive to our needs. Ambient Intelligence without invasion of privacy represents a long-term vision for the EU Information Society Technologies Research programme. ... The combination of recent discoveries in cognitive neuroscience - that make it possible to acquire a better understanding of the human aspects of presence, and the breakthroughs at the level of the enabling technologies make it increasingly possible to build novel systems based on this understanding.
Riva, G., F. Vatalaro, F. Davide, and M. Alcañiz, eds. 2005. Ambient Intelligence: The Evolution of Technology, Communication, and Cognition towards the Future of Human-Computer Interaction. Amsterdam: IOS Press.
Nolin, Jan; Olson, Nasrine (2016). "The Internet of Things and Convenience. Internet Research. 26 (2): 360–376. ...
The ambient intelligence paradigm builds upon pervasive computing, ubiquitous computing, profiling, context awareness, and human-centric computer interaction design
George Monbiot
Altruisme og samarbejde
Neoliberalismens individualisme og konkurrence er følge Monbiot grundlæggende i modstrid med menneskets to mest centrale kendetegn, nemlig altruisme og evnen til at samarbejde. ... som modsiger neoliberalismens værdier: individualisme og konkurrence.
En ny fortælling om fælleseje og fællesskab.
... I marts 2009 afholdt en række marxistiske teoretikere en konference under overskriften “ The Idea
of Communism”. Formålet med konferencen var at diskutere, om begrebet “kommunisme” stadig
efter sammenbruddet i “de reelt eksisterende socialismer” har berettigelse i politiske diskussioner
om alternativer til kapitalismen
Peer Møller Christensen.Kritisk debat online, 2018, feb. ...
Out of the wreckage: a new politics for an age of crisis
George Monbiot. Verso 2017. ...
Libidinal Economy
#Accelerate The Accelerationist Reader
Robin Mackay Armen Avanessian (Editors). Merve Verlag.
About: Jacques Camatte, Gilles Deleuze + Félix Guattari, Jean-François Lyotard ... 2015 ... pdf
Science fiction
... novelist J.G. Ballard echoes Firestone’s call for a merging of artistic and technological modes, advocating the role of science fiction not only as ‘the only possible realism in an increasingly artificialized society’, but as an ingredient in its acceleration. sf dissolves fear into excited anticipation, implicitly preparing readers for a ‘life radically different from their own’. Accepting that ‘the future is a better guide to the present than the past’ ... 2015 ... pdf
Nick Land
Cybernetic Culture and the development of accelerationism and speculative realism.
#ACCELERATE MANIFESTO for an Accelerationist Politics ...
Biology and culture
Thompson, W.I, ‘The Cultural Implications of the New Biology’ from Gaia:
A Way of Knowing, Lindisfarne Ass., 1987.
Ramos, Jose W. (2003). "From critique to cultural recovery: critical futures studies and casual layered analysis". Australian Foresight Institute. ... pdf
Integral philosophy
Future of Evolution
Steve McIntosh, Integral Consciousness and the Future of Evolution, Paragon House, St Paul Minnesota, 2007.
Ken Wilber
Integral theory is Ken Wilber's attempt to place a wide diversity of theories and thinkers into one single framework.
... The AQAL system has been critiqued for not taking into account the lack of change in the biological structure of the brain at the human level.
Reinventing Organizations 2014
Frederic Laloux (Author), Ken Wilber (Foreword).
Fremtidens organisation: En illustreret vejledning til meningsfulde former for samarbejde
Frederic Laloux. Direction Books 2017. ... ... pdf
Teal Organizations
The Future of Management Is Teal
... humanity is at a threshold; a new form of organization is emerging into public view.
... the next organizational paradigm. Its color is Teal. ... leaders are growing into the next stage of consciousness, beyond Green. They are mindful, taming the needs and impulses of their ego. ... ...
Houston Foresight program ... pdf
Selfish gene or Co-operation
Evolution, Games, and God - The Principle of Cooperation
Edited by Martin A. Nowak and Sarah Coakley
... The ‘selfish gene’ as a metaphor makes no sense of biological realities. Co-operation is here to stay, ... ...
SuperCooperators - Altruism, Evolution, and Why We Need Each Other to Succeed
Martin Nowak and Roger Highfield
... cooperation, not competition, is the defining human trait. SuperCooperators will expand our understanding of evolution. ...
A Moore's Law for Genetics
Courtney Humphries 2010
... A once-in-a-lifetime test could reveal, for example, whether someone couldn’t metabolize a particular drug or should pay careful attention to diet and exercise. ...
The Human Brain Project (HBP)
EU’s flagskibsprojekt om den menneskelige hjerne. ...
Bowles, S. and H. Gintis, 2010, “A Cooperative Species: Human Reciprocity and Its Evolution,” Princeton University Press.