Cybernetic world view
What is a world view?
One of the biggest problems of present society is the effect of overall change and acceleration on human psychology. Neither individual minds nor collective culture seem able to cope with the unpredictable change and growing complexity. ... What we need is a framework that ties everything together, that allows us to understand society, the world, and our place in it, and that could help us to make the critical decisions which will shape our future.
Francis Paul Heylighen
Leo Apostel (1925-1995)
In 1950-1951 Apostel was a CRB fellow at the University of Chicago with Rudolf Carnap, and with Carl Hempel at Yale University.
... In his book "Oorsprong" (Origin) from 2000 Apostel gives a metaphysical introduction about the beginning of man, life and the universe.
... His ideas about atheistic religiosity are widely acknowledged.
The Future of Humanity
We propose Metasystem Transition Theory (MSTT) as a general model of qualitative evolution.
Metasystem Transition Theory (MSTT)
Our goal is to create, on the basis of cybernetic concepts, an integrated philosophical system, or "world view", proposing answers to the most fundamental questions about the world, ourselves, and our ultimate values.
Background of the theory:
The concept of the metasystem transition was introduced in Turchin's book The Phenomenon of Science,
The Cybernetic Manifesto
Cybernetic epistemology defines knowledge as the existence in a cybernetic system of a model of some part of reality as it is perceived by the system.
We understand God in the spirit of pantheism. God is the highest level of control in the Universe. God is for the Universe what human will is for human body.
... we foresee the physical integration of individual people into "human super-beings", which communicate through the direct connection of their nervous systems.
... The successes of science make it possible to raise the banner of cybernetic immortality.
Baum, S. D., Goertzel, B., & Goertzel, T. G. (2011). How long until human-level AI?
Results from an expert assessment. Technological Forecasting & Social Change,
78(1), 185-195.
Goertzel, Dr. Ben 2016: AGI Revolution: An Inside View of the Rise of Artificial General Intelligence. Humanity+ Press. ...
Goertzel, Ben and Ted Goertzel 2015: The End of the Beginning: Life, Society and Economy on the Brink of the Singularity.
The End of the Beginning: Chapters & Conversations ...
Omohundro, S., 2008. The Basic AI Drives, Proceedings of the First AGI Conference, Volume 171, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, ed. Wang,
Goertzel, and Franklin, 2008.
Sandberg, A. & Bostrom, N. (2008) Whole brain emulation: A roadmap. Technical report 2008–3, Future for Humanity Institute, Oxford University.
Discourse of Technology
Images of the futures
Jim Dator: I concluded ... four generic images of the futures that can be labeled simply, Grow, Collapse/New Beginnings, Discipline, and Transform (Dator, 2009).
Journal of Futures Studies, December 2017, 22(2): 75–80. ... WhyGamingWhyAlternative.pdf
Mark A. McCutcheon: The Medium Is the Monster: Canadian Adaptations of Frankenstein and the Discourse of Technology, published in 2018 by Athabasca University Press.
Review. ... The Medium is the Monster establishes Frankenstein, and its various adaptations, as the originating intertext for a modern conceptualisation of technology that has manifested with a unique potency in Canadian pop culture, informing works as disparate as David Cronenberg’s Videodrome, William Gibson’s Neuromancer, the fiction of Margaret Atwood, and even electronic dance music.
Mark A. McCutcheon
South Korea as a society in transition to a Dream Society
Seo Yongseok and myself have been among those who have suggested that South Korea, with its explicit recognition of the economic and political utility of popular culture, including electronic games, might be an example of a society in transition to a Dream Society now (Dator & Seo, 2005).
Journal of Futures Studies, December 2017, 22(2): 75–80. ... WhyGamingWhyAlternative.pdf
Media, games and politics
... In our fiction-saturated media-driven society, unless games are rigorously based on
the best possible theories, methods and data available, they can be just one more factor making it difficult if not impossible for most people to separate fantasy from what some people call facts—the elections of Ronald Reagan, a B-grade movie actor who seemed to believe he actually fought in the War because of the roles he played in his old war movies; George W. Bush, a dangerous dissembler who imagined the Mission was Accomplished because he assumed the stance of “Commander-in
–Chief” on the deck of a mammoth aircraft carrier and vaingloriously proclaimed the Mission to be Accomplished; and Donald Trump, a narcissistic “reality show” misogynist who confidentially proclaims as truth what he had confidentially proclaimed as false only moments before, much to the delight of his enthralled voting audience are all prime examples of this confusion of fact and fiction within the American political context.
... Games are the closest we can come to actually doing politics repeatedly, and to pre-experiencing alternative futures. That is to say, games are to the social sciences what laboratory experiments are to the natural sciences. ... WhyGamingWhyAlternative.pdf
Mutative Media: Communication Technologies and Power Relations in the Past, Present, and Futures
Mutative Media is a sweeping examination of how communication technologies have contributed to changes in people’s thoughts and actions, and thus in the power structures of societies, in the past, at present, and in four alternative futures.
... we present four generic alternative futures, and discuss a prototype of a hybrid, mixed-reality game designed to enable players to experience the power and potential of new communication technologies within four very different environments and conditions. ... ...
The motivation of gameplay
Prensky, M. (2002). The motivation of gameplay: The real twenty-first century learning revolution. On the Horizon, 10(1) 5-11.
... The author predicts ... the generation raised on the engagement of games no longer accepts the historical but unnecessary separation of fun and learning. ...
McLuhan school of media ecology
On Eric McLuhan’s ‘Media Ecology in the 21st Century’
By Andrew McLuhan
... Eric McLuhan was there when the idea of media ecology was born. Indeed, he maintained that he came up with the term while in New York City in 1967–68 helping his father Marshall McLuhan as he taught at Fordham, and that Neil Postman “ran with it.” ... My father was becoming bold in his statements. A devout and life-long Catholic, he was more willing to speak in public about his faith,
The McLuhan Institute ...
What if - if video games had evolved before writing
In his book Everything Bad is Good for You, Steven Johnson asks the reader to imagine what we would say about writing if video games had evolved before writing, and if kids had “been playing games for centuries--and then these page-bound texts come along and suddenly they’re all the rage”?
He suggests that the new “frenzy of reading” would be greeted by critics like this:
... “Reading books chronically understimulates the senses. Unlike the longstanding tradition of gameplaying--which engages the child in a vivid, three-dimensional world ... “Books are also tragically isolating. While games have for many years engaged the young in complex social relationships with their peers ... ... WhyGamingWhyAlternative.pdf
Siden er under konstruktion.
Forestillede verdener
The Future as Cultural Fact - Essays on the Global Condition
Arjun Appadurai. Verso 2013. ...
Appadurai articulated a view of cultural activity known as the social imaginary, which is composed of the five dimensions of global cultural flows.
Appadurai credits Benedict Anderson with developing notions of imagined communities.
... the imagination as a social practice ...
Forestillede verdener
... Kritikken knyttes især til Appadurais arbejde om globale flow, hvori det argumenteres, at sådanne flow, som bl.a. opstår i tilknytning til brug af IKT, leverer ressourcer til nye “forestillede verdener“ (Appadurai 1996).
Peter Lauritsen og Stinne Højer Mathiasen: Globalisering og ’’forestillede verdener’’ DANSK SOCIOLOGI Nr. 2/16. årg. 2005. ...
How to create a mind: The secret of human thought revealed
Ray Kurzweil (2012).
New York: Viking.
Transhumanism, nature, and the ends of science
Robert Frodeman (2019).
New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
The transhumanist goal of human enhancement encapsulates a range of dangerous social pathologies. Like transhumanism itself, these pathologies are rooted in, or in reaction to, the ethos of ‘more’. It’s a cultural love affair with excess, which is prompted by the libertarian standards of our cultural productions. But the attempt to live at the speed of an electron is destined for failure. ...
... inevitability of aging can give structure and focus to our lives ... ...